Wednesday, January 16, 2008

patience, patience...

that is the overriding theme in my life right now. it seems that God can't get enough of telling me that.


i'm very eager to be a youth pastor, but i'm realizing with each passing day that God wants me to be patient. the right position will come along. in the meantime, i have so very much to learn about youth ministry. i'm eager to be a youth pastor, but so very nervous about it at the same time, knowing that when i'm in charge of a group of students, i'm responsible for sharing Christ's love with them. i don't want to mess that up.


a very unexpected friendship/relationship/"we're-holding-off-on-actually-making-this-a-relationship-right-now-until-we-discover-what-God-wants-us-to-do" has brought almost grotesque amounts of joy into my life recently. she's such a blessing.

in regards to the ridiculously hyphenated phrase directly above, we both feel that God is telling us to BE PATIENT. we've been doing this the right way from the start--praying for wisdom concerning the 'relationship', and we both feel that God is telling us to take it slow.....extremely slow. therefore, we're friends. the main reason we're being so careful is that neither of us wants to get in the way of the other. she has told me numerous times that she knows we're on different chapters in our lives and she doesn't want to hold me back from what God is doing in my life. i feel the same way towards her. i don't really know where God is leading me or when.


if anyone has a minute or two to spare, please throw a prayer my (our) way.

God, give me patience......and yes, i realize the irony that by asking for patience, Lord, it's pretty likely that what You'll do is make me wait. touché.

1 comment:

Winnie said...

congrats on your blooming friendship. that must be great!