Wednesday, September 5, 2007

traffic jam?

while listening to the radio on the way to a job site today, there was an advertisement (pronounced as the british do, with the emphasis on 'ver' rather than 'ad'...but this has no relevance).

time for me to re-create it!! (although keep in mind, the text is strictly estimation, since i don't remember it word for word)

starts out, "are you stuck in a traffic jam?"....ok, normal enough...."do you need some relief from the long commute and hot sun?"....still sounds ok...."then stop on in for our 1.5 liter specials at brown derby!"--what?!?  are they encouraging people to drink and drive????

ironic moment of the night:  commercial finishes as normally as can be expected, then the radio host immediately goes into a traffic report, "keep an eye out on your commute home as there has been a traffic accident at glenstone and cherry."....ironic part of that whole thing??--there's a brown derby liquor store not far from there.

looks like someone else had already heard the commercial.


Nick said...

Hey...the Brown Derby sells many fine cheeses too! Not that I would know or anything...what a repulsive place that is!

Winnie said...

hum...i know where you are going with this one. If i was to be leaning on a state right now that I would be living in in only several months it would have to be missouri.
so i'm leaning hard.

i did finish the painting. go look at the finished product next time you are over at Jeff's talking to your future self Yolanda and making a time machine with your bare hands!